Friday, December 19, 2008

Tea For Ten

The Manheim Mamma's Christmas gathering took place on Wednesday evening at the quaint Lady Bug Tea Room in East Berlin, PA. I had been to the Lady Bug before with Mom and Tracy for Mother's Day. Click here to see the full review from Mother's Day.

First, we got to pick our tea pots and tea cups from the many different varieties on display.

Then, we got to choose what flavor tea we wanted in our tea pots. Many of the teas are made on premise, so we got to smell samples of the loose tea to help us decide (see Kirsten & Joelle below sniffing away!)

We were then served four different courses of delicious home cooked food! Ms. Millie (the owner) is sure to tell you how much hard work goes into preparing and making all the food.

Mitz had a little fun showing off her boots to Ms. Millie.

We livened things up a bit by playing "pass the gift". I supplied the gift, wrapped it up 12 times and on each layer of wrap I wrote a simple instruction such as, "pass the gift to someone who is wearing red", or "pass the gift to the person on your right". The gift then gets passed around the room with each person unwrapping one layer at at time. The person who unwraps the last layer, wins the gift! Mitz gave away a door prize and Deanna was so gracious to give everyone these cute little ornaments as a memento of the occasion! Thanks Deanna!

A two-tie rd tray was served with decadent desserts.

The Manheim Mamma's posed for a picture after we stuffed ourselves. (click on image to enlarge)

Thanks to everyone for a wonderful evening of fun and friendship and thanks to Ms. Millie for her hospitality and a wonderful tea experience. Some in our group were "first tea timers!"


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Fun! I LOVE tea. Let's make plans to go there one day with Tracy and your mom!

Tracy said...

It was a good time! There wasn't any quiet conversation at our table. A lot of laughter.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a hoot of a good time! Hopefully i will be in the picture next year. Even though I'm a Penn township MaMa! What a nice group of friends you girls are!


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