
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Road Trip Ahead

My sister and I are flying to GA and kidnapping bringing my mom back to PA, via a "road trip"!

Our journey begins Thursday morning when we will board a plane and head to Brunswick, GA. We will be begin our road trip home on Sunday morning sometime around 6 a.m. It is about a 10-11 hour drive back to PA.

I may be out of blogging commission for a while. Stay tuned for journey details....


  1. Oh wow!! How fabulous! Drive safely and keep us posted on your adventures whenever you can. Make sure that fabulous Mom of yours is suitably spoiled and fussed over!

  2. FUN! I wish I could go with you. What an adventure! *smooch*

  3. Have a safe trip and have fun with your sister and mom!

  4. Yea! counting the hours and minutes. Hope your flight is on time. Looks like you have good travel weather. Forcast for Brunswick GA for the next 3 days...70's n sunny.. WAHOOO The wine is chilling!

  5. An all girl road trip! Yay! Take pictures!

  6. Have a great time. (What about your Dad, are you abandoning him?)

  7. Looking forward to warmer temps!

  8. Does that mean there is a blogger luncheon in my future???? :)


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