Weight Watchers has an excellent plan, which uses a "points system". According to your starting weight, you are assigned a number of points to use on a daily basis. You can eat whatever you want, but you must stay within your daily points range. You soon find out that the healthier foods have less points value. Check out this handy WW calculator which calculates the calories, fat and fiber content to find out how many points a serving is worth. Click here.
Thanks for sharing in my joy! I will continue to periodically give you all an update on my journey to a healthier way of life.
Hooray Hooray my friend! Congratulations and continued best wishes as you progress in your healthier lifestyle! Take care of your body and it'll take care of you :-) Fabulous cartoon too, by the way!
I am so proud of you for your determination. You are looking so fit and trim. Keep up the good work, to adopt a healthy life style is a win win situation. Love Mom
Congratulations! Next time I see you I might not recognize you ;0)
That's amazing! Way to go! I'm still plodding along. Exercise is definitely the difficult part for me to keep up with. I'll be very motivated for a few weeks, but then I lose the drive. Glad to hear you are doing so well!
Congrats! I wish your drive and enthusiasm were contagious. I seriously need some!
You look marvelous!
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