
Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Final Game

Football season has ended here in our small hometown. The final game ended with a blow-out score of:

It was a victory win for our varsity Elementary Football League! The season ended with a celebration banquet at the local fire hall, complete with a turkey dinner, trophies, speakers, gifts, and a sentimental DVD showing the season's highlights. It was a wonderful evening spent with friends and families in the community who volunteer their time and talents to give our kids a fun and enjoyable experience in the league. Here are some photos from the final game of the season and a brief video of my very special cheerleader.


  1. Now on to the next activity...Case did a great job cheering. I'm proud of her.

  2. So cute! I remember cheering for little league. What fun!

  3. What a big deal for elementary school. I can't wait to see her cheerleading for high school or college.

  4. did I miss your last 40 posts (give or take)? So sorry, my friend! So, to recap - j'adore Progresso soups, and their wonderful low-cal, high-health-quotient ingredients. And it sounds like a good time was had by all (well, FW and your SIL) in DC. I am terribly conflicted about the health care thing. Politically, I tend to be right in the middle of the road; I lean liberal on some things and conservative on others. When election day comes around, I review each candidate's stance on the issues that are most important to me, and I vote that way. But with things like this, that aren't really up for a vote, it is more difficult.

    Anyway - now on to this post! Congrats to the home team for their victory! Your cheerleader is doing her usual fabulous job,Isee!

    And thanks for the visit and good thoughts. Good thoughts are also going out to your kitty for a quick recovery. Yep, animals (well, cats and dogs at least) can indeed get diabetes, and it requires prettymuch the same treatment as in humans. I'm hoping that this case is mild enough that we can control it with diet...I feel terrible having to stick my poor kitty 2x per day.

    Hugs to you and your kitty!

  5. Football and close-knit communities make me homesick for my childhood. I am glad there are people still living this and making these memories. It has been dozens of years since I lived in a small town.


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