
Monday, November 30, 2009

Food, Football, Shopping & Parade

Food, football, shopping, parade = ONE FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Whew! As you can see, I have been away from my computer for a few days. So, I will give you all a quick recap of my weekend and then I promise to make my rounds through blogland!

I hope this Monday evening finds everyone well and rested from the long weekend for those who celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. We spent our Thanksgiving this year at my Mom's home who lives about 7 miles from our home. Not only did we enjoy a scrumptious turkey and the works dinner, but we also took a nice walk and ended our evening watching Disney's family movie, Up. Thanks to mom for all her hard work slaving in the kitchen. She did a wonderful job and it was very much appreciated!

Did any of you go out shopping on Black Friday? Well, I did. I joined my galfriend, Joelle at the break of dawn and we shopped til' we dropped until 3 o'clock.  For me, it is such a rush getting out there in the hustle and bustle of the shopping madness. There really are good deals, and lots and lots of nice salespeople to help you find what you need.  It was fun! I am already thinking about going out at midnight next year! How bout it Joelle?

What was next? Oh yes, we attended the town of Westminster, MD's Christmas parade on Saturday evening. My youngest daughter had the pleasure of riding on the back of  my FIL's Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe in the parade. She was thrilled and I was impressed by the 40+ floats, each one brightly lit with colorful lights and shiny decorations.  Santa and Mrs. Claus made an appearance too! It was a well attended parade and a wonderful memory for my daughter.

And last but not least, to top off our fantastic weekend......drumroll please.....we went to the Ravens vs. Steelers football game on Sunday evening!! Hubby and I were one of the lucky ones to be invited by my SIL who had 4 sky box AND field pass tickets!! Did you watch the game? If you did, then you know that the Ravens rallied in the fourth quarter and beat the Steelers 20-17 in overtime! Woot! There is nothing like watching the game from a luxury sky box complete with a private bathroom, good eats, cold beer and a bird's eye view of the field.  The evening certainly was special and I thank my SIL for an A-W-E-S-O-M-E time!

At this moment, my eyes are so heavy and tired, as I am only functioning on a few hours of sleep. So, I will leave you all with some photos from the game. Night all.  

My nephew, SIL and hubby

hubby and CL (*note - thanks to Sharon who let me borrow her Raven's gear)

hubby and SIL (on field tour)

Practice Time


Cundiff (kicker)

Sepulveda & Warren

Cundiff & Katula

Roethlisberger makes his rounds to wish his team mates good luck. He will have to sit this game out due to injuries :0(

Lets cuddle...(oops, I mean huddle)

Pre-game ceremony

Our suite was SWEET!

The crab cakes were to die for!

Go Ravens!



  1. Wow! Sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend. Lots of memories got made.

  2. WOW!! You are having too much fun lately. Stop it, you're making me jealous.

    Now, back to work little girl!

  3. Can you see me turning green with envy? I would have LOVED to be there. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving too!

  4. I am going to start calling you the "Fun Lady" instead of the CL. Enjoy your only go this way once!

  5. Thanks for watching the girls GJ!

  6. What a FULL weekend! Sounds like lots of fun. That skybox experience must have been awesome.

  7. WOW! What a neat time watching the RAVENS....Wish it were me being there too.
    Such nice pics. THANX for the posting.

  8. Looks like ya'll had a blast. On the note of football, we went to see The Blind Side Saturday night. If you haven't seen it yet. It is AWESOME. 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways begun today. Come check them out.

  9. a suite? Whaaaaat? no way.

  10. The trip to the game looked amazing! And I have to ask, did Santa ride in a submarine?

  11. Sorry, CL. I don't have any good excuses. I sold a cake. I flew to Cleveland for my Uncle's funeral, I got busy and it just seemed easier not to blog. The longer I was away from it, the easier it was to say, "Why bother?" I also got sucked into the ease of Facebook. But I miss blogging and miss visiting my blog friends. I'm still busy, but I plan on getting back into the swing of things.

  12. When you're up and close in person, things look much different. How did it feel to walk on the same turf as the Ravens? Next time, I'll give you a bag to smuggle some crab cakes past security for me.

  13. OMG!!! What a fabulous weekend you had! I am afraid of crowds, so I did not venture forth for Black Friday. You made it sound like fun, though!

    And congrats to the Ravens. I do believe the game was quite a nailbiter; I am married to a Steelers fan, so there was a bit of bumming going on on Monday :-) But congrats to the Ravens, it was a thrilling game!

    And the parade? How cool! (I know I'm taking the fun moments all out of order, but as I read your post, I thought of something to say about just about every moment, so you're getting an even more stream-of-consciousness comment than usual.)

    ANYWAY, the parade! I used to live in Old Town Fredericksburg, VA. One of the payoffs of my small apartment with no parking and ample drafts, was the Christmas parade that went down the street outside every year. I used to love sitting in my living room window, all snuggly in my jammies and fluffiest robe, watching the parade go by...

    So good to see you posting again! I hope the holiday prep is going well for you!

  14. Thanks for sharing your all American Thanksgiving weekend, Church Lady. And why didn't we know that you were braving the Black Friday crowds? You could have taken our lists as well. . .:-)

    Loved the photos of your local parade--especially the Santa bikers. How cool your daughter must have felt. And if I didn't know my friend Bob was out of town, I'd have been looking for him in your Ravens game photos. He LURVS his Ravens, too!


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