
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cookie Time!

Roll up your sleeves and break out your apron, it's time to bake the cookies!  Every year, the tradition in our family is to get together with my sister and mom and bake a variety of cookies. This year, we gathered at my sister's house. Some of the cookies we baked included Thumb Print CookiesBlack Bottom CookiesSnowball Cookies and Oatmeal Pecan Lace Cookies. The Oatmeal cookie recipe comes from the Weight Watcher's website. Each cookie is only 1 Weight Watcher point! I made these especially for me. Which reminds me, have I told you that I have lost 48 lbs? The holiday season is very challenging. However, I have already made it to my short term goal of losing 10 lbs. before Christmas. I have actually lost 11 since mid-September. I have not reached my goal weight - yet. I have to lose about 7 more pounds to finally be within my healthy weight range. It has been 8 months since I began my weight loss journey, and I have to say it has been the easiest life changing commitment I have ever made. I feel so much better, I am not tired and my acid reflux has gone away! Thanks for letting me share my joy with you all! I will leave you today with a few photos of our cookie bake gathering.


  1. They all look so good. And chocolate you can never go wrong in my house. I will have to try these. We're having Christmas at my Mom's the day after Christmas and everyone is making soup to bring. Except me, I'm always asked to bring dessert. I love to bake, especially from scratch and everyone knows it. I've been thinking about doing Weight Watcher's, I need to lose weight badly. I realized just how bad the other day when I went shopping with Megan and Emily.

  2. All I can say is YUMMMM! That was fun. Let's do it again next year.

  3. Mmmmm ... Santa is going to love his cookies and milk at your house this year!

  4. I'm trying to get in touch with you. Can't find an email address. I should have one from when you won the soup but can't find it. You have won the personalized wooden ornament. Congratulations!!!


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