
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Melted Snowman Ornament

Looking for an easy, inexpensive Christmas "craft" to make for your friends and family? Well, look no more. I will show you the perfect ornament that you can make in less than 5 minutes and everyone you gift it to will love it!  This clear glass ornament ball holds a melted snowman and all of his accessories from his carrot nose  down to his scarf. Here is CL's exclusive instructions on how to make a Melted Snowman Ornament.

*Clear glass ball ornaments
*Diamond dust (for the melted snow)
*Fleece material for scarf
*Small black buttons
*2" twigs for the snowman arms
*Small black pebbles for the snowman eyes
*Small plastic top hats (found in the dollhouse section of a craft store)
*Orange baking clay (for the carrot nose)

*Small funnel

1. Form small carrot noses from the orange clay & bake according to instructions.
2. Cut a 3.5" x 1/2" scarf from the fleece material (cut each end to look like fringe)
3. Fill each glass ornament with 2 tablespoons of diamond dust (using funnel), 3 buttons, 2 black pebbles, 1 carrot nose, 1 small black top hat, 1 scarf and 2 twig arms.
4. Tie a ribbon at the top of the ornament.

The small black top hats may or may not fit in the small opening of the glass ornament. I had to shrink mine in the toaster oven on 200 degress for about 3 minutes.


  1. Colleen CardwellDecember 06, 2009

    Awesome idea Kelly! I think I may have to make a run to Michael's this week and see if I can find the supplies! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is way off the cute meter! I think I must copy your idea as well, Kelly. So did you get the supplies at Michael's, especially the hats?

  3. What a cute craft idea! I don't suppose you'll want to re-run it next year when I am not in the middle of moving?

  4. Most of the craft supplies shown in my photo were found at A.C. Moore & Michaels. The small hats were found at A.C. Moore in the miniature dollhouse section.

  5. They are so cute,,I love mine looks so cute on the tree. Thanks Kelly! Love U

  6. These are so cute! Great idea!

  7. Love mine! I really want to try this craft so I can pass on to others next year.

  8. I just pinned this to my Snowmen Board on Pinterest. (

    Such a darling idea I think I'll make up a few dozen for co-workers and neighbors. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Holly ArringtonNovember 27, 2012

    Love this! Saw this last night and HAD to make it today!! Couldn't find the hats at A.C. Moore or Michael's so I just made them out of black modeling clay. Also made the coal for the eyes with the clay. Thanks for sharing! =)

  10. I just found this idea. I made the hat using black felt. Made a small corncob pipe. Used sea salt & special glitter & pepper corns for eyes/mouth. Suzanne

    1. How did you make the corncob pipe?


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