
Monday, March 1, 2010

Fun Monday - School Memories

Happy Monday everyone! This Fun Monday is being hosted by our Aussie friend, the wonderful Wendishness! Here is Wendy's assignment:

1. What memories do you have of your school years at any stage of your education?

2. Did you keep in touch with your friends who were there with you in your formative years, or perhaps you lost touch as I did and are finding them again? Tell us about some of your school friends.

Part of my school memories have to do with one particular person.  She was my best friend all through middle school and high school and for years after we graduated, we remained in touch despite our different college schedules. Jenny would come and go throughout my "after school" life, but as soon as we got together, we would always pick up where we left off as if I had just seen her yesterday. After we both married and had kids, we gradually lost touch. It had been several years since I had seen or spoke to Jenny. Until recently, we became reacquainted through the infamous Facebook. We tried to get together once or twice, but due to our busy schedules and the snowy winter weather we've been having, we've had to postpone, plus Jenny lives a good hour or so from me, so it isn't easy to just meet up spur of the moment for a cup of coffee.

(photo take in 1987 two years after High School graduation - Jen on right)

I have many fond memories with Jenny, like the numerous college parties, going to the movies, Peter Gabriel, John Cougar, Bon Jovi concert, Mark W., Dawn W., living in Miami, the Keys, Apples of Gold, the Subaru, the Gremlin, the nose snicker....laughing. Seems we were always going to a party...and laughing. Come to think of it, Jenny always knew where the parties were. She was a fun friend, indeeed! And a genuine friend too!

I am happy that were able to reconnect through Facebook.  Even though we live miles apart, we can jump on the computer anytime to catch up in an instant. It is my hope that we never lose touch again. Thanks for the memories, Jen!

Be sure to click on over to Wendishness and enjoy a walk down memory lane with the other participants. Thanks for hosting, Wendy!


  1. Look at that 80's hair! I still have a friend from high school and we always pick up right where we left off even though we only see each other for a few hours every 2-3 years.

    Most of my other friends were my cousins, so yeah, I am still in contact. ;)

  2. First, don't let daughter see that bright blue eyeliner if you expect to win the makeup wars! :-)

    So you re-connected with Jenny on Facebook? I just signed on last week and people have been coming out of the woodwork wanting to be "friends". I actually started to blog about the difference in FB and blog friends for this Fun Monday but thought I'd wait. First impression is that blogs are actually better for building friendships--like with you and Mums--and Facebook is great for reconnecting and surface acquaintances. Any way you look at it, glad that you and Jenny have found each other again. We need all the nose gigles we can get!

  3. I am looking at the background of that photo...that was in our Family room...were you having a party when I wasnt looking???? The truth comes out after all these years...LOL. Yep Jenny was a big part of your growing up years and I am glad you two are back in touch.

  4. Wow, those big hair I ever remember those!

  5. Big hair and all you still are a stunning lady. Glad you've found your friend. I can understand how easy it is to have you as a best friend, you are low maintenance and give your heart. Thanks again for a wonderful dinner and great company.

  6. Oh my gosh! Look at that hair and make up! (I can only make fun because I have pics that look the same exact way!) I am glad you caught up with her on FB!

  7. Oh my.... blast from the past. I had that 80's hair too!

  8. I still have a friend from high school. Actually, she lived with her grandmother two doors down from me and we'd known each other since we were 8. High school was incidental. We still keep in touch, are still friends, even though our lives took very different roads.

  9. That's some big hair, girlfriend. (I have those pictures, too.) I still get to regularly see my best friend from elementary and high school. It's very cool.

  10. how nice. cute pic, what on earth was all the blue eye liner stuff about? then again, I see it on tv now and cringe. is that cool, or am I uncool. I dont know. Thanks for sharing that!

  11. Great post, that's one thing I've found with catching up with my friends too, we seem to just pick up where we left off, even after a long time. I think that shows true kinship don't you?

    I hope you get a chance to see each other soon. Thanks for playing, my post is up now.


I enjoy hearing from you!