
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Incredible Wildlife Exists in MI

We arrived home safely late Monday evening with the newest addition to our family - a 20 ft. pontoon boat all the way from Lansing, Michigan! The 22 hour drive there and back within a two-day period has left FW and I exhausted beyond comprehension!

I would like to thank everyone for voting on my poll in helping us decide on a name for our boat. Voting is still open! If you have not already voted, please scroll down to the post below. We would love your input! I will post the results sometime this week.

Although our visit to the state of Michigan was short lived, it was exciting to say the least! Just look at what we saw along the way.... The wildlife there is incredible!

Ok, I realize you are all way too smart to know that these photos are of "stuffed wildlife". But still, these life size dioramas were incredible! These are just some of the displays we saw at Cabelas, an enormous sporting goods store that sells anything and everything for the avid outdoorsman. We made a pit stop at the Cabelas in Dundee, MI to shop for our boating accessories.
Hope you are all having a good week!

For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way - good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Oh Good! We'll see some great lake photography, I'm sure--probably not the same kind of wildlife as on your boat pickup trip. :-) You all will have a grand time on your new boat.

    Happy St. Pat's Day to you and yours, CL.

  2. Can't wait to see pics of the boat! Sounds like you'll be having a lot of fun this summer!

  3. Thankful your home safe n just waiting for the Maiden voyage of your newest toy...most likely we will be among the first ones on. Happy St Paddy's Day

  4. And all this time I thought you took the boat on an African safari.

  5. Hi there. I was very interested to read your blog. I've just spent a week on a school camp ferrying kids around the lake here in Queensland Australia, on a ten person pontoon boat. I am extremely jealous that you own one. So jealous in fact that I can't believe I'm even commenting on your blog page.

    All we need now is to see a picture...

    Happy boating.



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