
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday's Fences | Wheels

I'm wheely wheely excited about this Friday's photo! It was taken in Ridgley, Maryland, a small rural town along Maryland's Eastern shore. It is where my husband is currently practicing his mid-life crisis exciting new hobby, Hang Gliding. I'll have more about that in another post. I hope you like my entry this week. I wheely do!

To see more fences or to participate in this fun photo challenge, click on over to Jan's.


  1. AnonymousJuly 12, 2012

    Thanks for visiting me and I love your wheels! Great contribution for Friday's Fences. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Good one! Funny about the mid-life crisis - I mean trying new things - too!

  3. I love those old wheels. They make a wonderful fence. Thanks for visiting me and your nice comment.

  4. I wheely do too!! that is a neat looking fence!! Glad your hubby is enjoying hang gliding though!


  5. I can see why you are wheely excited...GREAT FENCE!!

  6. Oh I just love it! New follower from Friday Fences!

  7. feel like we are stepping back in time ... love the aged photo. love it. (:

  8. I wheely wheely love it too. The edit is perfect too!!

  9. i wheely like it too...ha, funny about your husband's mid-life, i mean hobby! at least he didn't run out and buy a new red convertible, or did he?!

  10. Brilliant - and what a great way of using resources such as this.... however not sure where I am going to get that many whhels from

  11. I can see why you're excited to find this scene, Kelly. Your shot just make me want to grab a stick and start these old wheels rolling.

    Hang gliding? Now I know you usually join your guy in his hobbies--in for this one?

    How's Stinky Boy? Did the commercial de-skunk work?

  12. Love how you did a little play on words. Very clever :) Capturing it in sepia mode brings more attention to the wheels themselves.

  13. Very cool fence! I will be showing something similar to THIS one (by coincidence :-) ) in a few weeks!


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