
Friday, August 3, 2012

Just Like A Scene Out Of National Geographic...Only Not As Good

Oh how I wish I had a more powerful camera lens to capture scenes like this one....

During one of our evening pontoon cruises, we happened upon a crane fishing for his dinner.

What could he be fishing for?
Let's take a closer look as he captures his dinner and holds it tightly in his bill. What is on his menu tonight?

Do you see a tail? A long wiry tail and dangling legs?

I believe RAT is on this bird's plate tonight!

I will surely not miss one less rat in our lake, as I was appalled to even see this one! Enjoy your dinner Mr. Crane!


  1. what a great bird. love the shots. (:

  2. Good eye, Kelly! I'd still make one of the girls or hubby jump in the lake first to scare away any skinny tailed creatures. I had no idea we had these blue heron until started seeing in some nature photography blogs from KY.

    Hope you're getting out on the lake as much as you can this summer. Give my boy Cooper a hug--that is if he's still not wearing Eau de Polecat! :-)

  3. I was shocked to see this...great capture...I had no idea they ate rats!!! GROSS!!!

  4. Boy did he hit the jackpot!


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