
Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Art of Mod Podge

Have you ever used Mod Podge?  Many crafters have entrusted their most treasured decoupaged creations to Mod Podge - the number one all-in-one, glue, sealer and finish! This is not a paid advertisement.

At our most recent Photography Club meeting, we held our first ever "workshop", where we "Mod Podged" a photo onto a canvas. There are many DIY editorials on how to do this, but I thought I would leave my own step by step detailed instructions here, for my future reference and for your reference too - because I'm a nice gal and I like to share.

First off, allow me to say how EASY and INEXPENSIVE this project is and can be completed in under an hour, of which most of that time is drying time. There's no need to pay a company big $$ to have your photo made into a canvas when you can DO IT YOURSELF!  Secondly, I'd like to add that this project can be modified in many different ways. The ideas are endless! So think outside the "canvas"! Scroll down for complete detailed instructions.

My finished canvases:

You will need the following supplies:

A photo printed onto quality photo paper (any size)
A canvas (same size as your photo)
Mod Podge (Matte)
Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer (Matte)
Sponge applicators
Paper trimmer
Acrylic paint (any color)
  1. Trim your photo to fit your canvas.
  2. Spread a thin layer of Mod Podge onto your canvas using a sponge applicator.
  3. Place your photo face up and centered onto your canvas.
  4. Press the photo down onto the canvas. You can use a credit card to smooth out any wrinkles. Turn the canvas face down and allow to dry for 15-20 mins.
  5. Turn canvas back over and spread a thin layer of Mod Podge directly on top of the photo using a sponge applicator. Don't worry - it dries clear.
  6. Allow to dry completely (about 15-20 mins.)
  7. Paint the edges of your canvas any color you prefer. If you wish, overlap the paint onto the photo so that the photo blends with the canvas.
  8. Allow paint to dry completely.
  9. Apply a second coat of Mod Podge to the photo, covering the entire canvas and sides using your sponge applicator.
  10. Allow to dry completely.
  11. Lightly spray Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer to photo canvas for a finished look! 
In order to eliminate wrinkles and bubbles, be sure to allow the Mod Podge to dry completely between coats. You only need to apply a thin layer. Also, using good quality photo paper is recommended.


  • Instead of one photo, use a collage or grouping of photos on a larger canvas.
  • Instead of painting the sides of the canvas, cut strips of decorative fabric or paper to decoupage to the sides.
  • Use ribbon to connect several canvases together. 
  • Inspirational quotes on canvases make a great gift!


  1. I cant wait to have a Mod Podge DYI many gift ideas. I love how mine turned out!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I have wanted to try this but frankly just have not investigated the process....Looks simple enough and haven't this done professionally can be quite expensive....

    Yours turned out beautiful.....

  3. They came out great Kelly! Thanks for giving us the details about how to make our own!


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