
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Upside Down Slushman

Today is a snow day here in Southern PA due to super storm "Saturn". Geez, when did they start naming snow storms and why "Saturn"?

Anyhoo, I was itching to get out in the snow today. And my kids...well they had no interest whatsoever in getting a little fresh air. You see, they are teens now and they have moved beyond playing in the snow. So I did what any good mother would do on a snow day. I forced them outside to help me build the perfect snowman. Afterall, this type of snow was PERFECT to build our upside down man.

It was a group effort. Even Cooper got in on it.  And when he wasn't running through the yard like a mad dog, he was grabbing snowman accessories and taking large chunks out of our perfectly shaped balls.

After an hour of molding and sculpting, we formed our, "Slushman" (because he was primarily made of slushy ice). We had our I had my fun and now I'm cold and wet. Time for some hot cocoa.


  1. Very creatively done! Snowman's handstand has perfect form.

  2. the boots too! Looks like you had a cold but fun time!

  3. That is the cutest upside down slushman ever. We made a regular upside right slushman :/

  4. Mr. Slushman is cute!!! Looked like it was a fun time creating him too!



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