
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mustang Pride

One of the things I love about working for the school district is the energizing and positive school spirit that is continuously present not only in the students, but also in the educators, administrators and staff.

During this past spring, our beloved life-size wooden Mustang mascot crumbled to the ground. Its' demise crushed our school spirit as we feared it was an act of vandalism.The Mustang had been mounted atop a tall concrete pedestal and was exposed to the elements for many years. After a thorough investigation, it was learned that the Mustang simply rotted away and had toppled over from the high winds and rain. Our Mustang had died a "natural death". 

Through generous donations from members in the community, the school was able to re-hire Champion Chain Saw Sculptor, Dennis Beach to re-create a new mascot. This is the third wooden Mustang sculpture Beach has carved for the district within the past 25 years. 

Within days, a new Mustang was born....

Beach drills a hole to insert a steel rod for reinforcement 

Here is a time lapse video showing the last phase of the carving.  I am proud to be part of the Mustang family!

1 comment:

  1. This was so awesome to watch. Long live our New SW Mustang!


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