
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Corona Diaries - Easter Like No Other

There's no doubt, Easter will be like no other this year due to the Stay at Home Orders across the U.S. Any normal year, Christians would dress up in their pretty pastels and along with their families, head out of their homes to do what most Christians do on Easter Sunday - - attend a church worship service, followed by that egg hunt and big family brunch.  Just because we will not be able to gather together as a whole church on Easter does not mean we won't be celebrating today. In fact, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  Amen? 🙌🙌

Many of us won't be worshiping together at a physical church today, but we have to remember, we ARE the Church whether we're together physically, or together spiritually.  The beauty of living in today's world is the fact that technology will bring us together on another platform. Most churches will be streaming live and/or pre-recorded church services today.  I hope you are able to find one to worship with.  Let us not focus on the fact that we are unable to gather together today physically, but instead focus on the real reason for the season and His glorious promise for eternal life for all who believe in Him.  For by His grace we are saved through faith!

Have a blessed Easter and celebration Corona-style!

If there was ZOOM in Biblical times:

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