
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona Diaries - Give Me Liberty

In March of 1775 Patrick Henry delivered one of his most dramatic speeches which included the infamous quote, "give me liberty or give me death!", urging fellow Virginians to support the Revolutionary War.  The entire quote from his speech:

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

No, I'm not afraid of dying from the Coronavirus.  What I am concerned about is the politicians and government exploiting the Coronavirus to hinder our civil liberties and human rights.  I'm normally a very neutral person, and I tend to always look at both sides of the story.  I don't like controversy people, but I do feel strongly based on all the headlines I'm seeing out there that the "authorities" are intruding on our civil liberties right now.  I truly believe that this worldwide health crisis is very serious, but I think our leaders need to respond with cool heads and logical sense and should base their decisions on scientific, and historical data AND the Constitution of these United States.

Believe me friends, it is happening right before our very eyes.  It's more unsettling to me than the sickness itself.  Here are just a few of the disturbing headlines taken from Drudge and from Penn Live - Patriot News right here in my home town:

Stores Prepare for Civil Unrest

Coronavirus Patients Ordered to Wear GPS Ankle Monitors

Victims May Be Given Passports So People Know They've Had COVID-19

Delaware Police Authorized to Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers

Resistance to Stay At Home Orders Remain Widespread

York County Woman Faces $200 Ticket From State Police for Violating Gov. Wolf's Stay At Home Order

Walmart to Limit Number of Customers in Stores

Gov. Wolf Advising PA Residents to Wear Face Masks When Leaving Homes

Stay informed friends, know your rights, be safe, and above all stay healthy!

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