
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Glowing Easter Eggs

This looks like a cool experiment to try with the kids. Only I'm not too sure about it. Will the eggs blow up? Watch the You-Tube video below and let me know what you think.


  1. I'm sure the kids would think it was cool. But I'm like you since there not boiled couldn't they blow up. Maybe that's why it only takes 10 seconds they don't get hot enough to blow up.

  2. Some people have too much time on their hands. lol I loved the eggs Nana/Mommom used to make every Easter. Wish I knew her secret.

  3. Thena is right. Since they are raw eggs, 10 seconds isn't enough to blow them up. this looks kind of interesting, but I am not a food waster, so I doubt I'd ever do it.

  4. Very intertesting...give it a try...and find out.


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