
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pay It Forward Giveaway!

Last month I signed up for a Pay it Forward meme...sponsored by one of my blogging buddies (aka mom), Janis. I was one of the lucky winners! Last week I received my thoughtful gift - a nifty waterproof sack for my toiletries (see photo below). Thanks Janis!

Now it is my turn to Pay it are the rules...Good luck my friends!

"The first three people to leave me  a comment will be my "Pay It Forward" recipients. You must have a blog so I can read your postings and learn a little about you. That way, I will know what to send just for you! THEN, when you receive your package from me, you post pictures of what you received, just as I have done, and wait for three comments on your blog...and the game continues on. If there are any questions you can ask me anytime! It really is a whole lot of fun! Let's see how far this PAY IT FORWARD will go."


  1. Oh. Oh. Oh. Am I first ! I'll pay it forward... Now what are the rules again !

  2. I love the concept of Pay It Forward. Also of kung-fu random acts of kindness.


I enjoy hearing from you!