
Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun Monday - Having a Ball

Joangee From Musings n Waffle is our hostess with the mostess this week and she is asking us to share our toys! Or, more specifically:

Toys, games and pass-times. If like me you have pets, and/or children which are their favourite toys? Photos please... Or what are your favourite pass-times?

The timing for this topic could not have been more appropriate. Although I have many toys (*wink *wink) that I could share with you all, I am most excited to unveil the latest, greatest toy my girls received as an early birthday present from their G.J. and grandpa.

My girls are getting a little older now and their toy collection has dwindled significantly. The days of the barbie dolls, blocks, lincoln logs, and dress up clothing are over (*sniff). Let me just add that the "toys" they wish for today are mostly electronics and a parent could go broke trying to keep up with the latest high-tech gadget that every teen must have.  BUT, there is still a glimmer of kid left in them as I discovered this weekend when they begged and pleaded for one of these:

 The Giga Ball

Check out a video clip here:
Be sure to check out the other fun toys from the FM participants here. I encourage you to play along too!


  1. Having a ball indeed! That looks like fun.

  2. I'd get dizzy! but it looks like fun.
    Hey I'm away from homke --- otherwise I'd share my toy

  3. What a superb toy! Looks like everyone's having fun. Thanks for joining in.

  4. Where was the giga ball when I was a many fun toys now a days.

  5. I've never seen anything like that!

    My post is up, too:

  6. Whoppeeeee! What a grand plaything, especially if you get it rolling down the hill. And of course I immediately wondered if it was tough enough to stand up to a fun loving lab's toenails?

  7. Whoo! We had something similar a couple of years ago for our pool. It lasted two years of hard play before deflating for the last time. Just this past weekend, the boy was wistfully wishing that the "hamster ball" was still around. Perhaps it's time to get a new one...

  8. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    How cool that is. Looks like a blast and the video was great. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  9. Oh my gosh, I would be sick as a dog!

  10. I want one!! That looks like a ton of fun! :)

  11. I wanted to play this week, but Monday was over before it started (at least I think so! lol).

    Sooooo cool! I need one!!!! LOVE IT!!!


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