
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shoot Me #1 of 52

Every Thursday I will be participating in "Shoot Me" hosted by Forever In Blue Jeans.  You too can play. Here are the rules:

Shoot Me! It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did!

I have come to realize that I am not in too many photos these days. It all started a few years back when I reached my all time heaviest weight - ever. I was not feeling good about myself at all and found that I would rather die a slow death than have my photo taken. And even today, since I have lost 54 pounds and have been steadily maintaining my healthy weight range, I am still very reluctant having my photo taken. I am ALWAYS the picture taker...until now! So, get ready *gulp* and get set for 52 weeks of photos starring ME with my family, friends, pets, or just me alone! Yikes!


  1. YOu look great. Congrats on maintaining your weight loss.

  2. You look beautiful. Nice seeing you.

  3. yeah, you look wonderful!
    congratulations for maintaining the weight loss!
    we will be seeing more of you, soon!

    welcome to the Shoot Me club! ^^,

  4. Looking good girl...congrats on your accomplishment. Keep doing what your doing. You look wonderful.

  5. You are looking fabulous, my friend! Congrats on the Just Shoot Me participation! And can I just tell you that I almost spat Pepsi One across the room when I read your comment on my last post? Does your face hurt? HAHAHA!! Maybe it's the result of spending those all-important high school-type-years in another country, but I hadn't heard that one in a LONG time. Here's another chestnut: Is your refrigerator running?
    :-) :-)

  6. I am looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful pictures, maybe some of them can be framed for my office? BTW comments by other men may be blocked.

  7. Hot mama!! I want to sign up, too!

  8. Beautiful shot!

    Shoot Me, happy mother's day!

  9. YOu look gorgeous and I am proud of you for jumping in. I have issues with pictures of myself and I'll admit that some weeks are more difficult than others!

  10. No worries, you are looking really good.

  11. You're looking good!

  12. AnonymousMay 08, 2010

    That's a great shot. Is that your Dog at the back?
    And don't worry. You're looking good!:)

    Have an awesome day.

  13. Awesome! Love the concept But... ahem... I think I'll wait til I lose a few pregnancy pounds. lol

  14. is that the 51 inch ball???
    need to know as soon as you can email me at

    Should I order one for my granddaughter who is turning 8 ? ? ?

    please? thanks!


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