What a great looking group! There are a few missing from the photo. They include, Meghan, Colin, Kerrie and The Ozsvath Family. Matt and Angie hosted a wonderful Labor Day celebration at their lovely, remodeled home in Frederick. It was a first time visit for some of us. Fun was had by all on this beautiful picture perfect day!

Rick and Colleen with their grandson, Greg (11 weeks old)

Uncle Danny enjoying a cold one as he chats with Mom and Pop Brown

Enjoying the great food!

This sling shot kept the kids occupied the entire time!

Good form, Uncle Danny! The men kept busy playing horse shoes.

Baby Riley - 10 1/2 months old - What a handsome fellow!

Ainsley, Mackenzie & Casey take a break on the lawn!
Hey Kelly - It was good to see you this past weekend. I don't know how we all fit into that picture. Our family sure has grown over the years. Take care and tell Tracy I said hello! Colleen
I'm glad you took some pictures. All of the kids are growing in leaps and bounds. It's always fun when we get everyone together.
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