Sayre, our smiling Fun Monday hostess, has assigned us to:
Take your camera to work and take pictures of the things that inspire you as you work or that inspires your coworkers. Ask them (or yourself) what it is about that particular object or picture that makes the work day seem a little easier. If you don't work outside the home, take a picture of the thing that helps you get through the day and inspires you to have the best day you can.

Simply working at the church gives me such pleasure and joy everyday and I consider myself blessed to truly love my job. You can check out the office art of other FM bloggers here.
Yours in Faith,
Take your camera to work and take pictures of the things that inspire you as you work or that inspires your coworkers. Ask them (or yourself) what it is about that particular object or picture that makes the work day seem a little easier. If you don't work outside the home, take a picture of the thing that helps you get through the day and inspires you to have the best day you can.
As some of you may already know, I am the secretary at my Church, hence my nickname, "The Church Lady". I like to think of myself as a "cool and hip" secretary and nothing at all like the stereotype church secretary. My name comes from the popular "Church Lady" played by Dana Carvey on SNL, circa 1986-1992:

I am one of three employed persons at the church. The other two employees are the pastor and the organist. I work 20 hours per week in an outdated, spacious office located on the ground floor of the church. I am fortunate to have three windows which makes for a bright and cheery place to work. The view looking out my back window, reminds me of how close death can be and to count my blessings every day!
This scenery reminds me of how God made all things beautiful!
This art work and colorful stained glass inspires me everyday to be the best person I can be.

Yours in Faith,
What do you know! I also was a church secretary through most of my college years--Methodist. Worked for a very inspiring minister who taught me a lot about faith--and how to operate the mimeograph machine. Our goal was to always have the Sunday bulletin done in time for him to play tennis on Friday afternoon. You do live in a beautiful part of the country. And don't we all love DC's Church Lady!
Your workplace is beautiful..there is food for thought there (graveyard) and also inspiration! Hee, I wondered if "Church Lady" came from the SNL character. Ditto Faye above - we all think the DC/PA area's Church Lady is fabulous! Thanks for sharing, and happy FM to you!
It is always a sense of peace to gaze at a portrait of Chirst. I laughed at Fayes comment about getting the church bulletin done... you share the same goal every week. hehehe
i dont know how i would take to that environment--i think i would be a touch nervous!
What a beautiful stained glass window! Quite unusual too.
I find graveyards to be quite relaxing and peaceful - I wouldn't mind looking out on one. I used to play in them when I was a kid.
Thanks for playing!
What beautiful views you have! Very inspiring.
I forgot all about Church Lady! Lol.
I also like graveyards - I don't find them particularly morbid. Could have something to do with my parents...they nearly moved to a place that was right across the street from a 1600s graveyard. "Quiet neighbors," they said.
I have always been fascinated with headstones, as kids we spent a lot of time reading the inscriptions and wondering about the people.
I love that stained glass window it's beautiful.
Love the stained glass windows. Mine is up late. Happy Fun Monday... :-)
Your workplace is breathtaking. Of course, so many churches are. I enjoyed your beautiful photos.
You are "cool and hip" that's two of the many reasons I married you. Nice post!
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