Friday, April 24, 2009

That's Wacky!

I was searching through some old recipes in desperation for a quick and easy dessert to make for a church gathering. Normally, I would depend upon Betty Crocker for these kinds of last minute baking emergencies, but Betty was no where to be found. I didn't even have a single egg in the house, which is what prompted me to pull out an old family recipe for a delightful dessert called Wacky Cake.

The cake is so named "wacky" because when you look at the recipe you will scratch your head in confusion when confronted by the absence of eggs, milk and butter!

Some say the recipe came about in the Great Depression, while others contend it came about during World War II, but no matter—this recipe is made for tight times with its lack of expensive ingredients. And yet it’s also vegan, which makes it appealing for those who prefer to avoid or cannot consume dairy. It has been quite some time since I've had wacky cake, but one thing is for sure-this is a rich, spongy and moist cake and when you think about it, it's not wacky at all!

Here is the recipe:

3 C. flour

6 TBS cocoa

1 tsp. salt

2 C. sugar

2 tsp. baking soda

2 TBS vinegar

3/4 C. vegetable oil

2 C. cold water

Mix all ingredients in bowl and mix well. Grease and flour cake can. Pour cake batter into pan and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean.

As an alternative to icing, sprinkle powdered sugar on top!

My Yummy Love,


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...


Jan n Jer said...

This cake is so moist and delicious. Its also heart healthy.

quilly said...

I used to make this! I had long forgotten about it! Thanks!

A. said...

I never knew why it was called 'wacky' - thanks!

WackySwampy said...

Hand over the cake and no one gets hurts !

My mom made "wacky" cake for us all the time. I can remember her saying, "This is the wackiest recipe I've ever seen."

The cake is great. I'll think I go make one.

Heather said...

And it looks so yummy. Will have to try it soon!


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