Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Double Whammy!

Can you believe it? We have been hit again with another major snow storm. Not sure what the total accumulations are just yet, as it is not supposed to stop snowing until some time this evening. But add the predictions to the already massive amount of snow we received over the weekend and you are talking about snow totals from 3-4 feet deep in some areas!  One thing is for sure. We can make a-l-o-t of snow-cream with this snow. 

Tip: collect clean snow by placing a large empty bowl outside while it is still snowing. Of course you can also collect a bowl full of fresh white snow after it has snowed, just make sure it is not near the dog pee pee.

I got this idea from my blogger friend, Heather at Heather's Recipes. To make snow-cream, you combine fresh white snow with a little half and half, sugar and vanilla to taste. Mix together for an ice creamy consistency. And wa la! You have a cool treat on a cold winter's day! It melts fast, so you will want to eat it right away. My kids added chocolate syrup and sprinkles for a snow-cream sundae!

Today is a carbon copy of Saturday - a double whammy. I believe this winter will go down in the history books for sure.

Oh nelly, I almost is my lil' sista's b-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sista! She is only a few snowed in miles from me, but you can click on over to wish her a happy birthday here. She would love it!


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Oh, Nelly! That' a lot of snow!! While I've been whining about our smaller snows, I truly feel for you folks who are dealing with feet of it instead of inches. Yikes.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Happy birthday, cuz! I know...the snow stinks. We got an additional 14 last night and we haven't gotten to the good stuff yet.

That snow treat sounds yummy, but I don't have any half and half!

Deborah Ann said...

You and your sister look so much alike, especially your eyes!

Thank you soooo much for the snow recipe! I got really excited at the thought of making a treat out of snow. I can't wait to do this with my grandkids!!!

Janis said...

OMG...I soooo feel for all you there. I am starting to worry also..worried about all the snow on my roof there...n when it I going to have a flood in my basement??? Nothing I can do but PRAY! Love your valentines header...the snow cream looks n sounds delish.

janet said...

I forgot to buy the ingredients for Heather's snowcream. :o( Hope your kiddos loved it!

Being in MD, we're not far from you and are also enduring the wrath of the wintery season. Too bad I can't find a snowpants that fit. I actually would like to be out in it for bragging rights when telling my great grandchildren about it! lol

Tracy said...

Anything with chocolate is a yummy treat!

Thanks for the b-day greetings! 35 and holding.

Heather said...

So glad you enjoyed the snow cream! It looked good! We didn't get much snow 6-8inches maybe. and we missed the first big snow you all got. We were all hopping for a snow day, but it has to be horrible for them to get a snow day out here. We did get an earthquake last night, though!

quilly said...

Snoe cream sounds yummy, but I'll pass on it if it means I have to hace 3-4 feet of snow! ;)

Ingrid said...

What a nice recepe and you and your sister have the same beautiful blue eyes !
When you get out of the snow can you tell me who is next for Fun Monday ? :)

gayle said...

Haven't had snow cream since my girls were little. Enjoy every minute of it!!


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