On any given day, I will rattle off random advice and thoughts to my young teenage daughters and in return, I get the usual blank stare, head tilt, and raised eye brow. But nonetheless, as a Mom, I feel I'm doing my job, as it's not easy to get a word in edgewise these days. This "Quick Reference List" would make a great fridge magnet for anyone with teenage daughters. Feel free to add on to this never-ending list!
- Never get a tattoo
- Sex isn't a 4-letter word
- I'm not your maid
- Do not trust strangers (insert various "stranger danger" scenarios)
- Make your own dinner
- I wasn't born under a rock
- What are you, five?
- I'm not your friend
- Be a lady
- Your secret is safe with me
- Be respectful of your parents and yourself
- Get a job
- Don't be late
- Drugs are illegal and harmful to your body
- Never never ever pick your nose in public
- Always kiss your mom goodnight
- Rise and shine and give God your glory
- Cleanliness is next to Godliness
- Wash your hands often
- Use a tissue!
- Flush the toilet!
- Open dishwasher: insert dirty dishes
- You're wearing that?!
Never get in a car with someone who has been drinking.
beautiful daughters Kelly!
Talk to your grandparents...they have the Wisdom!
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