Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun Monday - Green is Good

Fun Monday is upon us once again and our blooming hostess today is the lovely Faye.

Faye is asking us to think about gardening. Do you consider yourself a gardener? Or, just the lawn keeper? When you think of your home, is it important that there are growing and flowering plants in your home landscape?

One thing I can say for sure Faye is, I am NOT a fan of gardening, but I do LOVE house plants and potted patio plants. I guess the thought of "arranging" flowers and shrubs is somewhat overwhelming and intimidating to me. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the more "gardens" you grow, the more weeds you sow! Don't get me wrong Faye, I love beautiful gardens and I appreciate the beauty flowers bring, I just don't have the knack for putting it all together. So, I have posted some photos below of the outdoor landscaping and foliage that adorns our property and patio, which I cannot take complete credit for.

I am very fortunate to have a brother-in-law who specializes in landscaping. He designed and planted shrubs along our front sidewalk last Fall.

This is my perennial garden, which was originally a "holding area" for plants and shrubs we transplanted from our old home to our new home. It has remained at this spot for 6 years now. It contains sedum, lily's, lily of the valley, august lily's, bleeding hearts, cone flowers, tulips, one birdbath, one hanging plant and a garden flag!

Here are some of my potted patio plants. The hibiscus was a Mother's Day gift. I have two of these large planters on my back patio.

Two ferns adorn my front porch entry way.

And that's it! Now, go on over to Summit Musings and see what the other green thumbs are sharing!

Feeling Green,


Janis said...

I think the hibiscus looks good. Good choice. Just sit back and enjoy the beautiful blooms and all the humming birds that will visit.

Ari_1965 said...

Love your sedum.

Jill said...

nice! sometimes its just enjoying what you have, isn't it?

margaret said...

Beautiful garden! Wow! We do have a bit of greenery outside, but that is thanks to the ever-present HOA. (We have a townhome so it's just a wee lawn out front.) Happy FM to you!

Faye said...

Like you Church Lady, love container plantings. Brings out the artist in all of us and is just so handy because you can move the pot around as needed, refresh with a few new plants as the seasons change. And as for the landscaping brother-in-law, treat him real well--even spoil him!

Peter said...

Thanks for visiting, glad you could find the place behind all the shrubbery.. its a feast or a famine here.

Pamela said...

for someone who doesn't like to garden - you sure have lots of lovelies around...

Ingrid said...

it looks very good and you don't have too much work with it. That's what I appreciate, lol !

Mariposa said...

Nice garden. Love the ferns. ;-) I'm hosting Fun Monday next week. Check it out and sign up... :-)

Patience said...

Nice! My stuff looks like the Garden of Eden about a million years after A&E got kicked out. Just dead.


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