Tomorrow, my husband celebrates his Natal Anniversary, which is more commonly known as a birthday! Won't you please join me in wishing him a happy day and many more to come? You can visit him personally by clicking here, or you can simply leave him a comment below. He visits my blog daily, so he will be surprised when he reads this post. Giggle giggle *snort*!
I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,
I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

Hello and Happy Birthday to Mr. Church Lady! Great pics, and fabulous new term (Natal Anniversary). And Happy Friday to you all!
Natal anniversary???? thats a new one to me! Happy to our most wonderful, kind, loving and caring son-inlaw. Hugh, may you have many many more to follow. Love U, Jan n Jer xoxo
Happy Birthday, cousin! Well, cousins by double marriage, but cousin none the less. I'll head over and visit him on the other side! ;0)
OMG!! Love the pictures!! Hughie, you may be older but, you still look like that cute little guy in the pictures. Have a great day!
PS. Really, I am not trying to hog your entire comments section :-) I forgot to answer a question you asked about my Fluffy Cat Belly pictures :-)
Yes, I do find myself cleaning up a ton (or two) of fur. My sweet little girl sheds like nobody's business. I got myself a Dyson vacuum recently, and by the time I'm done with the house (3-story townhome), the cylinder thingy is full of grey and white fur. (I had always used a vacuum with a bag, so until recently, I had no idea how much fur there actually is.)
And let's just say that hairballs are a regular occurrence hereabouts :-) It's a small price to pay for Her Highness' companionship and fun, though!
Happy Birthday Mr. Church Lady! (Now that just sounds weird!)
May you enjoy the day and look forward to the next. Enjoy the crabs and beer.
Happy Birthday Hugh. You are only as old as you feel! Knowing you--you will never be old. God Bless. Aunt Carol & Uncle Bernie
Love the pictures! Happy (late) Birthday to your hubby!
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