Our Fun Monday hostess this week, Karisma has assigned us this task.........We all know our kids and pets are often a great source of amusement to us at the best of times. I want to hear a funny, silly or just downright cute story about your pets or your children. Have they ever done anything to totally embarrass you in public? Have they done something you thought was outrageous at the time, only to laugh at it later? Have they outwitted you in some devious way, only the way a kid can? Come on, out with it! Lets hear the juicy gossip!For those of you who are too lazy to write, how about posting some funny pictures instead! (Must be of your pets or offspring though!) Have fun with it!
There are many occasions when both of my girls have been a great source of amusement both fun and embarrassing. After all, isn't that one good reason to have children? The same seems to apply to our beloved pets. At all ages and stages children and pets can do and say the darnedest things.
I will only share one story with you today about my oldest daughter, who will soon be the dreaded 13. Seems she was born with the "silly gene". There was a time when she would cross her eyes for every photo taken of her. Even if it were a serious family portrait, there she was with her eyes completely turned inward toward her cute little nose. Thanks to my digital camera, I would sometimes catch her in this "striking pose" and would be able to delete the image and take the picture for a second time! However, I did not always catch it - see for yourself:

Honestly, she really is a very pretty girl. No matter how many times I warned her that her eyes would get stuck that way, or that I would one day show these pictures to her boyfriend, that did not seem to matter and she kept on crossing them in EVERY picture! Thankfully that stage is finally over. Now, go on over and visit Karisma and Kids to read more outrageous stories about kids and pets!
Picture Perfect,
Looking forward to reading it! I didn't get a chance to join in this week. And since I don't have kids, and I probably embarrass my pets more than they embarrass me...I didn't have much material :-)
Thank you SO much for your kind words about my writing. Although...didn't Romeo and Juliet meet with a tragic end? Just kidding, I really appreciate the good thoughts.
Don't work too hard, now, y'hear?
I'll do my very, very best to be back.
OMG that is so funny, I am so glad she is over that stage. I also have a lot of photos with her eyes crossed. She is a trip that girl!
What a card! We are so related...I think someone in my little clan has the silly gene too. Oh, I finally finished The Shack today. LOVED it, although I felt like the ending was rushed ;0)
LOL! She reminds me of somebody around here! And I was thinking even before I scrolled down and read the rest, "Well at least she has the beauty to pull it off! It sure does not take away from her good looks!" Gorgeous!
Thanks for playing.
I saw your warm remak over on Hulagirl's site and decided to come for a visit.you have a nice blog.I hope that you and your family are having a great day!
Ha! It is a good thing that phase is over; great story and love the pictures!
Have a great week!
there had to be a bug on the end of her nose.
I think you will enjoy these photos very much in a couple of years, lol ! at least it's not a boring family photo !
Cute story and daughter.
Oh! Mother's threats made manifest in blogland! Sweet revenge.
Yes, our Carley girl is very creative in every way. She'll probably be voted class clown one day. She's a joy!
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