Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun Monday - Feelin' Fall

The very busy and loving mom, Hoosier Girl from The Coffee Table is our Fun Monday hostess this week and she has given us a "show and tell" assignment:

Show us or tell us what you love about Fall - images, smells, sights, activities.

Well Hoosier Girl, Fall happens to be my FAVORITE time of year! I love everything from the gold and red muted colors of the foliage to the smell of a wood burning fireplace in a warm, cozy home. Here on the East coast, Fall is an invigorating time of year with crisp, blue-sky mornings and cool, breezy, full-moon nights. Here are some of my favorite Fall images, activities and a lovely poem! (Be sure to click on the images to see all the details!)

The beautiful Fall foliage surrounding Lake Marburg:

Time for picking apples, pumpkins & mums at the local orchard:

A hayride and a field of pumpkins:

Annual pumpkin carving party:


When the trees their summer splendor

Change to raiment red and gold,

When the summer moon turns mellow,

And the nights are getting cold;

When the squirrels hide their acorns,

And the woodchucks disappear;

Then we know that it is autumn,

Loveliest season of the year.

~Charlotte L. Riser~

Now, onto see what the others have posted for FM's Fall show-n-tell. Just click here for a list of participants.

p.s. I have a wonderful recipe to share with you all tomorrow!


quilly said...

I am so looking forward to enjoying Fall again. I will miss it this year since we aren't moving until January, but next year I plan to enjoy!

janjanmom said...

I am so jealous of your apple picking orchard!! We have one where we buy apples, but they are already picked for our convenience...I wanna pick my own!!

I LOVE fall too. It is the best.

margaret said...

Wow - great pictures! As I said to Janis, after reading this I guess maybe there *are* some good things about fall ;-) Actually, it is a very pretty beef with it is that Winter follows right on its heels! *giggle* Thanks for sharing, and happy FM to you!

Stephanie, Mama Dramatist said...

Stunningly beautiful!!

We just don't have that here in Houston!


Faye said...

Lovely post, Church Lady. And how lucky we are that there's still some of these farm/markets where you can bring the children for a day of traditional fall activities like apple picking, hayrides, pumpkins. Our place is called Huber's just across the Ohio River in IN. Your fall foliage on the lake photo reminds me of a beautiful lake near where I went to college. We loved driving around it when the trees turned. Hope you get in several fall weekends on the road to enjoy this wonderful weather.

Janis said...

You said it all church lady...What can I say...Fall is a Wonderful Time of year!

Jill said...

sounds like fun. I feel like I have a lot to do, I haven't decorated or anything. Ho hum! Have to find the right box!

Ingrid said...

Vue with your eyes and how you write about fall it sound even nice to me who hates fall, lol !

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love fall! It is my favorite season. Mother Nature always blesses me with my favorite earth tones outside. Woot!

Sayre said...

Our temperatures don't get cold enough for real fall colors - I am envious of that! And the apple picking!!!! I would LOVE to do that! We mostly pick stuff that grows on bushes or falls OFF the tree (pecans).

wendishness said...

Excellent pictures and I love the header of your blog too, it reflects the right time of year. I'm with you, it's my favourite time of the year and I'd forgotten about the wood burning smells, though we don't get them here :(

Brother Dave said...

You know, in some ways Autumn is more special than Spring, IMO.


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