Monday, January 4, 2010

Fun Monday - 2010 - Looking Forward

The beautiful, Mariposa from the Philippines is hosting the first Fun Monday of the new year and she has asked us to:

Share the things we are looking forward to this year. It could be an event, a date, or anything.

First and above all, I thank God for bringing me once again to the threshold of a new year. I pray that He guides me in all of my decisions and actions day by day and hour by hour as I embark on this new year.

I always look forward to the new year as a "fresh start" on life. It feels good to get back into a routine after the holiday madness and to get my home and life organized again. So to start off my new year in a positive way, I always look forward to:

1. Getting organized and cleaning my home
2. Cleaning out closets and kid's rooms
3. Getting back to a healthy eating regimen

I also have many goals I look forward to accomplishing this year:

1. Reaching my weight loss goal (almost there!)
2. Finishing off our Fitness Room (assisting my hubby with this task)
3. Miscellaneous painting jobs around the house
4. Completing construction on our balcony off of our bedroom (assisting my hubby with this one too!)
5. Getting a complete physical

There are also many events throughout the year I look forward to, some of which are not planned yet:

1. Taking a family vacation
2. Celebrating birthdays and special ocassions
3. Getting together with old friends I have not seen in a while
4. Planning a family reunion

And then, there are the little things I look forward to throughout the year:

1. Watching American Idol
2. School cancellations and delays due to snow
3. Snuggling up on the sofa with my family and watching a good movie
4. Taking walks through the park
5. Blogging and reading your blogs
6. Watching the seasons change
7. The return of my Mom and her husband from GA
8. Game nights with my family
9. Date nights with my hubby
10. A hot cup of tea or coffee
11. Going to church and attending the many church functions
12. Going to work (I am thankful to have an awesome job!)

All of these things I have to look forward to. But mostly, I look forward to living one day at a time, embracing each new day and thanking God for all of my blessings.

 (photo by

Happy Monday everyone! Be sure to click on over to Mariposa's Tales to see what the other participants are sharing! Thanks for hosting Mariposa!


Janis said...

I think you covered just about everything for the year. Especially the part about your "Mom' coming back to do miss me...Love that family photo..Hugs n xxxx..Miss U! :(

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Excellent list! I love the picture.

Pamela said...

you are so darn organized... even your thoughts come out in lists. ha ha.

Enjoyed them.

min said...

I'm going to focus on making coffee first, then I'm just going to live vicariously through you.
What an amazing year you have planned!!

Deborah Ann said...

I'm just going to make my coffee.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely family,
quality life styles,
smart post.

quilly said...

I love that photo at the bottom of your blog. It looks so perfect -- like something out of a family magazine.

I have so many things I am looking forward to -- and so much to do before I can' get there. I sort of don't feel like our new year is starting until we're on the other side of this ocean!

Jill said...

we are hoping to clean/organize before we move in to our house, as well!

Sayre said...

I like your various lists! Especially the throughout the year one...

My post is finally up!

Mariposa said...

And wow, you've covered everything and how you group them just amazes me! I'm with you on going back to a healthy diet...I just violated that over the holidays!

I so love to see photos of you balcony, fitness room and vacation!

Thanks for playing...and have a great week!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love that photo of you all! You certainly have a lot planned for the year. Can't wait to read all about it. It would be fun to revisit this post a year from now and see if you were successful in meeting all of those goals!

Ingrid said...

You have quite a lot to look forward to, lol ! nice plans and a cute picture of you all !

Kim said...

Many worthwhile endeavors! As a dejunking Queen, I especially like that one.


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