Monday, February 8, 2010

Fun Monday - Beating the Doldrums

As your hostess for Fun Mondy, this is what I want to know:

How do you beat the doldrums when you are stuck in the house either because it is too cold or too hot outside? Do you read? Cook? Complete a home improvement project? Watch movies? Scrapbook? Please share your ideas.

Boy was I ever "stuck in the house" this weekend. Pennsylvania got about 2 feet of the white fluffy stuff Friday into Saturday. We had plenty of notice that this storm was coming, so I was prepared. I was able to purchase my milk, bread, t-paper, snacks, ice cream, beer, movies etc. days before the snow storm hit. All I had to do was sit back, relax and wait to be snowed in.

It's funny how the snow can be a big distraction. I had grand plans this weekend to work on my on-going "winter time" project of painting the upstairs bedroom and closet doors. I figured there would be no better time to jump into this project than on a snowy house bound weekend. But somehow, it didn't happen.
It didn't happen because I had to fix breakfast, clean up breakfast, watch the snow fall, shovel a little, fix lunch, clean up lunch, take pictures, watch the snow fall, bake cookies, make snow-cream, watch the snow fall, shovel a little, take more pictures, excercise 15 minutes, watch the snow fall, talk on the phone, fix dinner, clean-up dinner, watch a movie, go to bed. I simply don't know where the time went. 

Now on Sunday, my focus changed a little. The snow was old news and I was able to get some painting done. 
So, to answer today's Fun Monday question, I beat the doldrums by completing a home improvement project. So far, I have painted 7 bedroom/closet doors and I have 4 to go. Each door takes about 1.5 hours to complete. It is a tedious project, but needs to be done. The doors are primered, but have never been painted since we built the house nearly 7 years ago!
Scroll down for a complete list of all the Fun Monday participants. Thanks for playing today! We need a host/hostess for next week. Any takers?


Sayre said...

That's how I spend my hurricanes! Just looking out the window is plenty of entertainment.

Seriously, though, I'm a home improvement junkie. I tackle most of it myself. My husband thinks I'm crazy.

grace said...

those are beautiful snow pictures, I wish we had more snow here, we had one day of snow two weekends ago and the whole town shut down for four days! thanks for hosting

quilly said...

Your snow pics are spectacular. I am glad you gave some of your time to that. When I am housebond, as long as I am well, I cook, read, and blog.

gayle said...

I love your snow pictures!1 Beautiful!!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! and what a lot of snow !!
I am mostly stuck in my house when it rains and it's cold. We don't had a lot of snow here compared what you got !

Pamela said...

I wish I had some of your ambition to do some catch up projects here. I'm looking forward to spring and working in my garden, tho.

We had about 30 inches of snow last year and I remember having to shovel a path to my bird feeder - It was fun but such a hassle!

joanygee said...

Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing... We hardly ever get snow, plenty of ice, little snow.
As for the DIY... serious respect! I'm always the 'go for' the one doing the fetching n carrying. Always involved in prep and clear-up never the finished article.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

All of that snow is hard work but it is beauiful for sure. I love your wreath!

xoxo Miss you!

Janis said...

Breathtaking photos...such a beautiful sight in the silent snow fall. No fun to deal with though. Glad to hear you got your painting just about finished...that is always a good feeling. I love your wreath...did that come form hilltop barn??? Thanks for hosting Kelly

min said...

I love the snow vicariously. Your pictures are great, but there's no way I would survive in that environment. Your house looks great!

Swampy said...

Photos are exquisite. Wow ! Thanks for hosting today...
We have snow, but it's brown !

Faye said...

Don't you just love the way routines go out the door when snow starts falling? You spent your weekend just as it should be--except I didn't read anything about a nap? And we must compare snow cream recipes. I thought that was only a mountain tradition from my childhood. How we loved that first snow stirred into milk, sugar and vanilla. Had to eat fast though!

Are you taking a photography class? Your work is just wonderful.

karisma said...

Oh Wow! Believe it or not I WANT TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE! Those pictures are so beautiful! Probably once I get there I would want a nice warm fire to sit in front of whilst gazing out that window at all the loveliness! And while I knit, knit, knit you could cook, cook, cook and we both be in heaven! (I will bring the wine, beer gives me a sore tummy!) LOL

Hugs and smoochies xoxoxox

Debs said...

Lovely pictures! Thanks for hosting!!

Debs said...

Any takers for hosting next week's Fun Monday? If not I will do it. :)


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