Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fun Monday Topic for February 8

Depending on what part of the country/world you live in, the climate could be cold or warm this time of year. Here in the states, specifically, Pennsylvania, it is currently Winter time and it is cold as a dickens! Not much time is spent in the great outdoors this time of year and the winter doldrums begin to settle in. So, what I want to know from each of you is:

How do you beat the doldrums when you are stuck in the house either because it is too cold or too hot outside? Do you read? Cook? Complete a home improvement project? Watch movies? Scrapbook? Please share your ideas.

If you are new to Fun Monday, and would like to participate please follow these simple guidelines:

1. Sign-up using Mr. Linky below.
2. Complete the above assignment and post it on Monday, February 8.
3. Be sure to mention and link back to the person hosting Fun Monday.
4. Be a courteous blogger and visit each participant on February 8, leaving them some comment love.

For all of the usual players, you know what to do!


Debs said...

Thanks for hosting! :)

Also a ty for posting on my blog. My daughter is in high school. She did not go to the formal dance last year. She is my social butterfly now. lol

Janis said...

Great topic...Thanks for hosting

jill said...

I'll play but I will put my own link up a little later, probably on Sunday or so. By the way, have you sent your topic over to Robin at Penseive? She was keeping track of the topics for everyone. Not sure if she is or not!

quilly said...

I may need to wait until next year to answer this question. Being here such a short time and having only Vegas and Hawaii to contemplate for my last 13 years, I don't know how I will react to being house bound!

However, the weather here is usually quite temperate and I still may not know.

Swampy said...

First of all, your header.
Third of all, I'll try to follow the rules for your Mon Funday...

Ingrid said...

Although I don't live in any part of your country, but on the other side of the world, I also participate because there are doldrums here too, lol !

karisma said...

Ok I'll play since you asked so nicely! :-)

ChrisB said...

I've signed up but you've made me realise just how little I do manage to do during the winter months! :)

grace said...

thanks for hosting

Jill said...

mr linky is playing hide and seeky! Can you let me know when it's back up so I can go visit please? Thanks! jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com


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