Monday, April 12, 2010

Fun Monday - Clean is Just A Wring Away!

This Fun Monday is brought to you by Jan with the Prytz Family and she wants to know the following:

Everyone has laundry. Where do you do yours? Show us your Laundry room, or where you go to get those clothes clean! Photos, please.

My laundry room is located on the second floor of my home, which is the same floor all of our bedrooms are located, making it very convenient for washing, folding, ironing, and sorting clothes. Having the laundry room on the second floor was one of our criteria when we designed and built our home.

Look closely at the photo below. Did you spot the critter? Look in the lower right corner. Kiki is eating her breakfast. We keep her litter box and food in the laundry room. Normally, I have piles of dirty clothing on the floor sorted into piles. But, I just happened to be finished my laundry for the week when this photo was taken.
Each person in the family has his/her own laundry hamper to place their dirty clothing. My girls are old enough now to fold and put their own clothing away after it has been washed and dryed and that takes a load off me!

If you wish to share a photo of your laundry room this Fun Monday, click on over to Jan's and sign up with Mr. Linky. 


Jan said...

Wow, I love your laundry room. That is the best place in the house for it, near the bedrooms and bathrooms. When my kids were young, I taught them to do their own laundry, then I told my husband he could do his, too. We still do our own.

gayle said...

Good for you for getting your daughters in the habit of doing their own laundry!!

Pamela said...

very nice! I remember my best friend had a laundry chute to the basement from her 2nd story bedroom. I wanted to fly down that thing so badly....

quilly said...

My washer isn't working properly and my laundry room is piled high with clothing. I think a trip to the laundry mat is in my near future.

Peter said...

Sooo neat and tidy, I'm glad I didn't post a photo of the whole of my laundry... its always a mess!!!

eastcoastlife said...

It would be nice to have my own laundry room but land and space is precious in tiny Singapore. :)
I have a washing area for my dirty laundry and I set up a foldable ironing board in the hall when it's needed. :P

Sayre said...

A laundry room on the same floor as the bedrooms sounds like heaven! I wonder why most of them are on the lowest level of the house?

Janis said...

You do have a nice laundry room...and it is very convenient to the B.rooms where the dirty clothes pile up. I grew up where the laundry rooms were mostly in the basement and that is what I have now. Most new homes today do have them on the main floor or second floor.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

You really don't want to see my laundry room right now with construction on going :0( Yours is great, though!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ha! Why is it the catbox always ends up in the laundry room? Great idea having the laundry room on the same floor as the bedrooms.

Jill said...

What kind of corner shelf is that? Looks like it would hold a laundry basket (round one) or at least some detergent or something. Would you mind replying to my email addy if you know? Thanks!

Molly said...

What a wonderful and beautiful laundry room that you have, and it is convenient too. Great!!!

Deborah Ann said...

Your laundry room looks so clean and shiny! I would have to do a lot of cleaning before I showed mine to the world...

Ingrid said...

That's indeed very practical especially with a big family and a lot of laundry !
I have known front loading machines all my life, I didn't even know there were others. I saw it the first time when I visited my aunt in Madison/Wisc. and I found it great to load the laundry on the top ! Slowly, slowly now you can also find these kind of machines in Belgium, but they are very very expensive !

Anonymous said...

That is one clean and tidy laundry room :) Wish I could say the same...LOL Thanks for stopping by my playground :)


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