hee hee...
It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.
that is a really cool photo!
Love that! Very cool!!
now I want to know what you did to make the paper? but it is a great picture!!
How did you make it? I mean...
my post is up.
Well I tell ya. That is one newspaper I wouldn't line the rabbits cage with ROFLMAO!! Love it my friend :)
Love it...fun shot!
Very Cool :)
Very cool shot.
Photofunia ? OR Signs from 1 Position ?
So, which is ?
That is one great pic of you.
Are you flossing your teeth ?
Whoa! Wait a minute. Annadale, Minnesota ? 198?
Please tell us the story here.
And, while you're at it. My "Just Shoot Me" is up and running.
I knew you would make front page of the paper with that onry smile!!
Cute idea for today.
And you really did MAKE the newspaper, didn't you? Too cool.
Great picture! Tell us more!
Awesome. You are really stretching that 15 minutes of fame thing.
Speaking of April Fool's, I pranked the entire 6th grade today. It was great. Check my blog for video.
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