Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Come Take a Boat Ride With Me....

What a fantastic weekend here in Southern PA! Could not have asked for better weather to launch C.C. Rider for the first time this season. As usual, the party bardge was at maximum capacity with family and friends. It's always a good time. Allow me to take you for a short cruise on C.C. Rider along Lake Marburg with Captain FW. Oh, and you'll have to excuse the background music. It's what we are forced to listen to when there are teenagers aboard! Did I mention that our stereo system rocks?

So, how did you celebrate your Memorial Day weekend?

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Neighborhood's Going to Pot

Ever felt dumped on? Well, we sure did when an unexpected porcelain delivery arrived in our front yard Friday evening. We had been "s-potted" by our church's Youth Group with an Ugly Toilet.

Crazy prank by the Youth Group? Well, yes and no. The Ugly Toilet is actually a fundraiser to help raise funds for a neighborhood family who lost their entire home in a tragic fire.

Here's how it works. For a donation of $10, you can have the Ugly Toilet placed in the yard of your neighbor or friend. In order for that neighbor or friend to have the Ugly Toilet removed, they must pay a $5 removal fee, or they can donate $10 to have the toilet removed AND delivered to another yard. For $15, you can purchase "potty insurance" to ensure that this Ugly Toilet will NOT show up in your yard ever again! However, I've been told that the "potty insurance" don't mean crap.

This fundraiser has proven to be very successful so far! We have about 9 ugly toilets in circulation around town, each one hand painted and decorated by members of the youth group. It's a great way for the community to recognize our church AND fantastic Youth Leader!! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shoot Me

I am pictured here prior to my Zumba fitness class. I can assure you, I did not look like this after the class! Apparently, I learned Salsa, Merengue and Samba all in ONE night!

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Are You There God, It's Me Church Lady?

I just love when the weather cooperates and I am able to take my daily walks. Not only do I get a breath of fresh air, but I also use that time to exercise my faith. It is during that alone time when I like to chat with the big guy upstairs. I then come back from my walks feeling invigorated and relieved of any stress.

Sometimes I think about worldly events like all the flooding and tornadoes in the U.S. I think about the economy and the leadership of our country. And I often pray out loud for the safety of our soldiers in Afghanistan, some of whom I know personally.

I think about my extended family. I realize there is pain and suffering with illness and loss. I want so bad to make things better for them, but I'm not sure where to even begin to help.

Most of the time though, I reflect on my life. How blessed I am to be healthy. How blessed I am to have 2 charming daughters, who for the most part, are happy and thriving. I am blessed to have a job and a beautiful home. And most of all, I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who continues to love me even though I have not always been the best wife to him.

It's times like these I think most about my own spirituality and my faith walk with God. I cling to the promises of our unchanging, compassionate God—who alone offers hope when and where it’s most needed.

~Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your Word that tells me how to deal with the worries that crowd in upon my heart and mind today. I ask for Your help and Your guidance in each concern. Thank You that You are a faithful God and that You see beyond the fog that clouds my view right now. Thank You that You are able to do what I can’t even imagine right now. I declare my trust in You and I ask You to fill me with Your peace. Quiet my heart and mind today. Help me to see each worry that creeps in as a call to prayer. I praise You that You are my strength and my help, my God in whom I trust!

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


Friday, May 20, 2011

My New Feel Good Song

Happy Friday ya'll! With all this rain we've been blessed with here in Southern PA, I can't help but crave the sunshine and dream of the beach. I found me a new feel good song that takes me there and I just had to share it with all of you because that's the kind of gal I am. Sending good Friday vibes to all of you from the Church Lady....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shoot Me

These were taken of my sister and I at the John's Hopkins Club in Baltimore, MD during my step-grandmother's 85th birthday party. It was a very nice affair, martinis and all!

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busy Is My Middle Name

Anyone who has teenagers knows how crazy life can be. I am currently living in the "can you take me here", "can you take me there" "can my friends come over?" "can all 10 of my friends come over?" "I need money for this"  "I need money for that", yada yada yada phase.  

My life is busy. I don't think I am ever home for more than a few hours at a time. So, it's no wonder my blog has suffered and I do apologize for not visiting my favorite bloggers in a while. I promise to make my rounds to all of you very soon, as I do miss you all.

Nothing brings me more joy than sitting here at my computer and journaling/blogging about my daily life. It is an outlet for writing down my thoughts and feelings and being able to share them with the entire blogoshpere, all five of my faithful followers. 

I was going to post about my weekend adventure to Dover Delaware. Then I thought about writing about how my SIL and FIL are planting this humungous garden and how they will be preserving their vegetables. That is a post in and of itself. I promise you will be intrigued.

But alas, it is late and I am tired. So, I bid you all a good nite. I do hope to get my groove on here real soon. I promise...as long as I'm not too busy.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Shoot Me

Taking time out for a Mother/Daughter photo shoot after enjoying a delicious Mother's Day breakfast at my sista's house! Nothing like a little mimosa before church!

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Dogwoods

I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. ~e.e. cummings

The dogwoods have been in full bloom for over a week now here in Southern Pennsylvania and I have been wanting to get out and take some photos of the beautiful white blooms against the bluest of sky before the blooms dry up and wither away. Today was that day.

Just being outside in the warmth of the sunshine brings joy to my heart.

Makes me appreciate these glorious days.

To be surrounded by nature in all its' wonder.

And notice every single detail.

Wishing you all this kind of day....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Celebrations and Dedications

God surely did bless us here in Southern Pennsylvania with some gorgeous sunshine and balmy temps this past weekend. And it's about time too, as it has been a very wet and cool start to spring. Everyone is so anxious to plant their flowers, mow the lawn and just be in the outdoors.

My weekend was a busy one. It was a weekend for celebrating. We celebrated my grandma Jean's 85th birthday at the John's Hopkins Club in Baltimore, MD. She certainly is one beautiful lady whom I admire greatly.  Today, I dedicate this post to her. We love you Grandma Jean and wish you a birthday full of blessings!

Because today is Mom's Day, it was another great reason for celebrating! My sister invited my mama and I to her house for a scrumptious breakfast in honor of Mother's Day. She sure can fix a killer omelet! Thanks Sis! I then accompanied my mama to church for some spiritual nourishment. The day got better when we went for flowers and took time out for an ice cold beer on the back patio. Did I mention that I have the coolest mom ever? All in all my Mother's Day was nice. I pretty much did what I wanted to do...a nap...a walk...and a delicious grilled steak dinner.

I hope all you mom's enjoyed your day as well. I would like to dedicate this video to all you mom's out there. We sang this old hymn in church today and I swear I overheard someone say I sounded just like Carrie Underwood. Ha! Grab some tissues and a blanket cause I'm certain this song will send chills up your spine and tears to your eyes. I dedicate it to my mama. Happy Mothers Day and thanks for hanging out with me today!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shoot Me

I am pictured here with my two girls at Sakuras Restaurant, a Japanese Steak House in Westminster, MD. The shrimp, chicken and sprouts were sooooo good. But the wine was the best!

It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! Sign up to play below and grab the "Shoot Me" Button code to the right.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For The First Time

Being born in the late 60's, I grew up listening to songs of the 70's like Stairway to Heaven, Free Bird, Sweet Home Alabama and Highway to Hell. And then there were the big hair bands of the 80's, like  Def Leppard, Van Halen and Bon Jovi.  And let's not forget the music of the 90's - Love Shack by the B-52's, I will Always Love You by Whitney Houston and Gettin Jiggy Wit It by Will Smith. I have always admired and have a true appreciation for wide variety of music. Even today with raising my two teen girls, I am getting an education in today's pop music.  Most of the time, I cannot bare to listen to their rap music and silly songs about cheese sticks G-6's and not to mention the lyrics of some of these songs! Have you listened to Rihanna's S&M lyrics?  DJ's play her song continuously on the pop music radio stations. Here are a few lines of the main chorus:

Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it

Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But chains and whips excite me

I know. I find it vulgar and gross too. I cringe when I hear it.

There is one song I so love right now by the Irish pop rock band The Script. Now this I can handle and my girls - well they love it too! Sit back and take a listen. It is a beautiful song.  Happy Wednesday, my friends!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Quotography (Fun)

Quotography at {My}Perspective

I just love seeing my two teen girls having fun together. Generally my rules for riding the 4-wheeler include wearing tennis shoes and a helmet. At least they are wearing shoes.

To join in this fun weekly meme, click the button above.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kiss My Butt Goodbye!

Finally I can reveal our new Fitness Room, which has been a work-in-progress for years. We finally got the room finished and our gently used gym equipment assembled. It only took FW (my hubby) 5 hours to assemble the massive weight machine which will work e-v-e-r-y muscle in your body! The only thing is, it takes time and energy to work those muscles, as well as a determined mind. I can assure you that I will in no way be ready for the Ms. Olympia competition this September in Vegas! Fact of the matter is, I will never be ready for such a competition, as I am not really into "body building", per se. I would however, like to tone my flabby stomach and butt, and arms and legs. After my 54 pound weight loss over a year ago (click here to see "before and after" pics), I have successfully maintained my healthy weight range. I did however, pack on a few pounds over the holidays, who didn't? It's time to get serious again and this machine is kicking my butt! My only hope is that it will eventually "kiss my butt" goodbye!

FW and I have been "working out" regularly together for about an hour every evening. It is so nice spending this quality time with him. He gives me the push I need and I, well I just complain. "It's hard. I can't do it. I'm sooo tired!"  But honestly, I do enjoy the workout  and guess what? I can lift 20 whole pounds! Like I said, I'm no body builder. 



While you are here, won't you hop on over to FW's blog? He is celebrating his birthday today!! Happy Birthday to my wonderful, most thoughtful husband! Ready for that workout FW? *wink *wink.


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