Thursday, April 9, 2020

Corona Diaries - Hey all you cool cats and kittens!

Welp, he did it.  Our governor announced today that all Pennsylvania schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic school year due to the CV.  My heart breaks for the kiddos.  This is not a vacation for them at all.  Sure, the first week was all fun and games but then reality sunk in and just like that online learning is the new norm. *sigh* I can tell you that I'm kinda very happy that my kids are grown and out of school.  This is a tough time right now for families with school age children.


I am most grateful that I have an "essential" job to go to every day.  Gets me up and out of the house, and as soon as I arrive at my office, my mind is focused on work.  Speaking of offices, I had a big cat visitor today.  Not the Joe Exotic or Carole Baskin kind of visitor, but a Google 3d visitor: Check out my video below:  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ†πŸ†

You can become your very own Tiger King with Google 3d!  (Yes, I too binge-watched Tiger King with the rest of America)

Joe Exotic from Tiger King

From lions and tigers, to bears, alligators and sharks, you can bring these animals to life in your very own homes. Google 3d is so addicting and the perfect quarantine activity using your smart phone.  If you haven't checked it out yet, you need to!

Meet Penny the Panda getting Zenny in my Zen Den at home:

Gotta keep it light folks!!

Stay informed friends, be safe and above all stay healthy!

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